I have a keloid/bump
KELOID: Keloid scars are usually genetic and Keloid Scarring is actually a medical condition. This is a condition that causes excess scar tissue to build up above the skin and continue to enlarge and cover more surface area as time goes on. Keloid scars can be extremely itchy, and be painful if any pressure is placed on them. These particular scars/bumps usually need to removed by your GP or in extreme cases a plastic surgeon, as they will not go away on their own. It is a very rare occasion that a new piercing produces a Keloid scar, unless the client is predisposed to that genetic quality.
These bumps occuring do not mean that your piercing was performed incorrectly, your piercing is infected or that you are allergic to the metal used in the procedure. But I do suggest contacting your Body Piercer and booking a check up appointment if a bump starts to grow so they can determine the best form of treatment for you.